Frequently Asked Questions

Does my pup need a veterinarian’s referral to Mountain Dog Rehab?

Yes! See the Forms link at the top of the page for access to a Veterinarian Referral form. You can print this form or have your vet email the form directly to

Does Mountain Dog Rehab accept Pet Insurance?

While we don’t work directly with pet insurance companies, your visits may be reimbursed by your pet insurance. Be sure to contact your insurance company to see if Canine Rehabiliation is covered!

What does an initial evaluation entail?

An initial evaluation will include a thorough assessment of your pet’s injury or condition. Typical assessment may include range of motion measurements, gait analysis, strength testing, flexibility testing, and palpation of involved structures. Your pet’s goals and plan of care is discussed at this visit. A full evaluation write-up will be provided to you and your referring veterinarian.

What does a follow-up visit entail?

The type of treatment provided during follow-up visits is determined by the initial evaluation. Typically, the follow-up visit may include manual therapies (massage, stretching, joint mobilization, passive range of motion) and therapeutic exercises (muscle stretching, strengthening, proprioception exercises). These treatments are tailored to your pet and their individual needs.

Where is Mountain Dog Rehab located?

Mountain Dog Rehab is a home-based rehabilitation service. We come to you! Your pet will be comfortable in their own environment, creating an optimal rehab atmosphere.

How do I prepare for your visit?

If able, it’s best for your pet to have a short warm up walk and bathroom break prior to their visit. It can also be helpful to have other pets in separate rooms during their appointment to reduce distractions.

How do you get the dogs to do the exercises?

Treats! Mary uses your dog’s favorite treats to entice them to use the equipment or get into positions for treatment.

How do I know if Canine Rehab is appropriate for my pet?

Canine rehabilitation can be helpful for any orthopedic injuries (sprains, strains, healed fractures), orthopedic surgeries (TPLO, FHO, total hip replacement), spinal injuries/surgeries (laminectomy, FCE, disc injuries), age related concerns (arthritis, muscle atrophy), and wellness (weight loss, general strengthening).

We hope to see you soon!